Thursday, April 26, 2012

Please list suggestions for Sunday in Lancaster

I do know it is a day of rest on Sundays, but what is actually open to do? We are leaving on Sunday, but wanted to do some things on Sunday before we travel home. I also would prefer to do anything that is open on Sunday then instead of missing out on other things that aren%26#39;t Thank you!

Please list suggestions for Sunday in Lancaster

The strasburg railroad is open. Lapps is open. my favorite shop, Jakes trading post is open also. we usually leave our outlet shopping for sundays.

Please list suggestions for Sunday in Lancaster

If you are heading out by way of the turnpike, I would suggest hitting the northern end of the county. That is if you like antiques and browsing though a upscale yard sale. Adamstown is know as the Antique Capital of the World. If you like good micro-brewed beer, then Stoudts is the place to stop on the way to the turnpike. This area is hot on Sunday. Most are only open on Sunday. Shupps Grove is a great place if you want to stroll though the trees in a park like setting and browse! Several GOOD places to eat, all price ranges. Silk City Dinner is along 272 and breakfast there is the best. The rest of day dining is also good. Zia Maria is great for value and quality. If you decide to do that let me know more exactly what you are looking for and maybe I can help.


I see you are doing pretty much what we did. We hit Lancaster after Hershey. There%26#39;s not too much to do on a Sunday. The railroad musuem is opened but that is only if you are into trains. We hit both outlet centers. Tangier closes at 6, Rockvale at 5. That night we ate at Craker Barrel which is located in the Rockvale outlet center. They close late. Food was good, plentiful and cheap. Maybe hit there for lunch if your over there. Markets and farms are all closed as well as many Dutch buffet places. Hope this helps. Anymore questions just ask.

Were the stores in downtown Lancaster open? How much time can you spen in downtown Lancaster? We like to stroll into stores.


Very few stores, if any, are open downtown on a Sunday. Your best bet for downtown is a Tues, Fri or Sat when you can do Central Market in addition to other shopping. If you are just in to shopping, you could spend anywhere from 2-5 hours here...depending on how much time you like to spend in each store. If you are in to museums, galleries, food, theater, history and/or architecture, you could easily spend days in the city and have a wonderful time. If you%26#39;re going to be in Lancaster, you shouldn%26#39;t miss downtown. I don%26#39;t recommend it on a Sunday or even a Monday tho.

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