Should you ever needlodging in the Elysburg area, Let me suggest 2 of the nicest B%26amp;Bs. Sleepy Hollow B%26amp;B is run by a very lovely and caring couple that have the greatest rooms to go along with their fabulous breakfasts. They have received national recognition for their superb facility. Also, it%26#39;s a great place. Another outstanding B%26amp;B in Elysburg is The Latorre House B%26amp;B, located at the entrance to Knoebels Amusement Resort. This fine inn operated By the siblings of one of the Knoebel brothers is likewise noted for its superb accomodations and hospitality.
Hi, has anyone ever stayed at Latorre House in Elysburg? What is the atmosphere like? Is it cozy and inviting? What is the breakfast like - basic continental or full gourmet breakfast?
I like to stay at different bed and breakfasts wherever I go, and I think I might like to try Latorre the next time we visit Knoebels.
We just came back from Elysburg this weekend - we stayed at Plum Pudding Inn. Our hosts, Liz and Fred, were friendly, knowledgable, and accomodating. Their breakfast table was beautifully set, and the food was delicious. It was the heaviest breakfast I had eaten in a while. Try her blueberry waffles. They are so good.
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